This is the complete list of members for lug::Graphics::Node, including all inherited members.
_absolutePosition | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_absoluteRotation | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_absoluteScale | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_children | lug::Graphics::Node | protected |
_name | lug::Graphics::Node | protected |
_needUpdate | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_parent | lug::Graphics::Node | protected |
_position | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_rotation | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_scale | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
_transform | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
attachChild(Node &child) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
getAbsolutePosition() | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
getAbsoluteRotation() | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
getAbsoluteScale() | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
getChildren() const | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
getName() const | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
getNode(const std::string &name) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
getNode(const std::string &name) const | lug::Graphics::Node | |
getParent() const | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
getTransform() | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
lookAt(const Math::Vec3f &targetPosition, const Math::Vec3f &localDirectionVector, const Math::Vec3f &localUpVector, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
needUpdate() | lug::Graphics::Node | virtual |
Node(const std::string &name) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
Node(const Node &)=delete | lug::Graphics::Node | |
Node(Node &&)=delete | lug::Graphics::Node | |
operator=(const Node &)=delete | lug::Graphics::Node | |
operator=(Node &&)=delete | lug::Graphics::Node | |
rotate(float angle, const Math::Vec3f &axis, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
rotate(const Math::Quatf &quat, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
scale(const Math::Vec3f &scale) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
setDirection(const Math::Vec3f &spaceTargetDirection, const Math::Vec3f &localDirectionVector, const Math::Vec3f &localUpVector, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
setParent(Node *parent) | lug::Graphics::Node | inline |
setPosition(const Math::Vec3f &position, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
setRotation(float angle, const Math::Vec3f &axis, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
setRotation(const Math::Quatf &rotation, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
TransformSpace enum name | lug::Graphics::Node | |
translate(const Math::Vec3f &direction, TransformSpace space=TransformSpace::Local) | lug::Graphics::Node | |
update() | lug::Graphics::Node | private |
~Node()=default | lug::Graphics::Node | virtual |