Contributing to Lugdunum

Branching strategy

In order to have an efficient workflow, we chose to create different branches, each with its own responsability:

An example is show in here, to demonstrate the utility of each branch, with a real-world scenario. This branching strategy is applicable across all Lugdunum’s projects and must be respected. As such, the branches master and dev are protected on Github, which means that only administrators have push access to these branches, and that pull-requests with complete, passing tests must be opened in order to have changes implemented in these branches.

Brancing strategy

Testing architecture

Each commit pushed on each branch is compiled and tested by CircleCI and AppVeyor.

You are encouraged to write tests for your code. Broken build will not be allowed in any case in a pull-request, so be careful!


All our sensible code is covered by unit tests. We use the Google-Test framework which is considered as a third party module of our project. It is bound with Google-Mock.

All the written tests can be found in the test folder of the Lugdunum’s repository in the dev branch.

All the tests included in the folder test are executed when you run the tests with cmake, and are executed as well in CircleCI.

How to add new tests

If you want to add your tests, we recommend you to create a new folder in the test folder and put all your *.cpp in it. The structure of a test file should be like following :

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

TEST(myTestPool, myTest) {
    bool toto = true;
    EXPECT_EQ(toto, true);

To be compiled with other tests, each tests directory should have a CMakelists.txt. In a Math directory, this file will have the following format:

# Tests directory path

# Define *.cpp tests
source_group("src" FILES ${SRC})

# Add tests to compilation
             SOURCES ${SRC}
             DEPENDS lug-math

Note: source_group on line 12 is a special CMake directive used for grouping source files in IDE project generation, for example groups in Visual Studio. More information is available on the official CMake documentation.

Build tests

When using CMake, you need to add the command line argument -DBUILD_TESTS. It will create one project for each test directory. In the previous example, it will create a runMathUnitTests project.

Project maintained by Lugdunum3D
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