Dependencies for Lugdunum


Lugdunum depends on many different libraries / projects in order to work properly. You can find here compiled versions, ready to use to compile Lugdunum and get started quickly.

List of dependencies

Optional dependencies

All our code is covered by different tests through the Googletest / Googlemock framework. You can find the sources of the framework at the following link or in our third party repository

How it works

All the dependencies can be found in our ThirdParty repository, which is added as a submodule of the main repository.

It is planned to add an utility script to update and compile all the dependencies at once, but as of now, it is still a manual task.

How to build Lugdunum

Cloning the repository

First, clone the 3D engine repository:

git clone

Now, to build Lugdunum, you’ll need to either have some dependencies installed, or you can automatically pull them from the thirdparty submodule, that regroups their pre-compiled versions to set you up more quickly:

git submodule update --init --recursive


General prerequisites

Target Toolchain
Linux gcc >= 6
Linux clang >= 3.8

Distribution specific prerequisites


These instructions were tested for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. A recent version of GCC (at least the version 6) is needed to compile Lugdunum. You can add the correct repository on an Ubuntu machine with the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt update

You can now install the dependencies needed to build Lugdunum: gcc6, CMake (the tool we use to build Lugdunum), the development version of the X11 libraries:

sudo apt install gcc-6 cmake libxrandr-dev

There is not yet a Vulkan SDK package on Ubuntu, so you’ll have to download and install it yourself. A very complete documentation is already available on the LunarG website, so we won’t get into details here. Just make sure you have the VULKAN_SDK environment variable set, as described here, with the x86_64 architecture.

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, nice people packaged the Vulkan SDK and provided it at vulkan-validation-layers, and it depends on all the right things to make things easier. So all you have to do is:

pacman -S vulkan-validation-layers base-devel cmake


The commands below should be distribution independant, hopefully. What we do is create a “build” directory (out-of-source build), cd in it and run cmake with the appropriate compiler versions.

mkdir build
cd build


General prerequisites

Target Toolchain
Windows 10 Visual Studio 2015
Windows 10 Visual Studio 2017


To build Lugdunum on Windows, you’ll need CMake. CMake will generate a Visual Studio solution that you can then open, and build.

In command line, you can generate the solution with:

mkdir build
cd build
    -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

Caution: As Windows doesn’t have a default path to install libraries, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is mandatory

Then, open the generated Lugdunum.sln with Visual Studio and compile it.

Visual studio 2017

With the recent support of CMake in Visual Studio 2017, building and installing CMake projects is now possible directly within Visual Studio. Just modify the CMake configuration file CMakeSettings.json to change the install path.

  "configurations": [
    "name": "my-config",
    "generator": "Visual Studio 15 2017",
    "buildRoot": "${env.LOCALAPPDATA}\\CMakeBuild\\${workspaceHash}\\build\\${name}",
    "cmakeCommandArgs": "",
    "variables": [
      "name": "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX",
      "value": "Path/To/Install"


Target Toolchain
Android NDK >= r14 + clang + Gradle >= 2.2

General prerequisites

Please note that arm64-v8a is the only supported ABI and that we only support Android N (android-24) and up.

About the Android NDK

As the gcc toolchain is now deprecated by Android’s developers, the clang toolchain will be the only one supported in this project. Please note that we’re also using Unified Headers from Android NDK 14.


The following commands should work on a Linux environment, and should give you an idea of what’s necessary to build Lugdunum for Android in another environment.

For better understanding of Android NDK CMake variables, visit official NDK documentation

mkdir build
cd build
~/Android/Sdk/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin/cmake \
    -G "Android Gradle - Unix Makefiles" \
    -DANDROID=true \
    -DANDROID_PLATFORM=android-24 \
    -DANDROID_STL=c++_shared \
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=PATH_TO_ANDROID_NDK/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake \
make install

Note: Here the CMake path might be different of the one displayed in the command above, please double-check before executing the command and/or filing a bug report.


Open the folder samples/compiler/android with Android Studio, let gradle configure the project. If the NDK isn’t configured properly, you’ll have to tell Android Studio where to find it:

File > Project Structure > SDK Location > Android NDK Location

Let the gradle configure and sync the project.

The samples should now be available as targets and be buildable from Android Studio.

Apple macOS & iOS

These platforms are not yet supported, but they might be one day if Apple decides to release Vulkan on their systems.

Project maintained by Lugdunum3D
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